The day I became a mother was one of the best days of my life.

Uncategorized Jan 26, 2023

You may look at me and think, she’s so laid back or she’s so incredibly calm. I’m delivering my baby and she does this everyday, so it’s an ordinary occurrence. I say that because many of you have said that to me.

The truth is, it isn’t. The moment I touch a baby with my hands, I have this overwhelming urge to nurture it. I also have an overwhelming urge to embrace the mother in that moment. I can’t do this of course because there are things to do. Like stimulate the baby to make the biggest breath of life ever. And also make sure the afterbirth comes out and no one bleeds to death. Plus repair the damage, if anything has occurred, so the passageway that just delivered your baby can, for the most part, go back to the way it was. So, although, I feel that scrubs are quick drying due to all of the bodily fluids that land on us in any given day, they are also to absorb salty tears from a worried mother that may have had a fall or a new pain in her...

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